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What are the benefits of wikis and knowledge management tools?

All employees have access to the knowledge. This creates transparency and promotes a collaborative culture.
May 13, 2022

Knowledge is one of the highest assets within an organization. Of course, it is best if so many employees (even better all!) be able to access all knowledge and constantly expand it.

Away from silo thinking and towards teamwork

Good ideas and valuable knowledge gather dust in disorganized and far too full files on SharePoint or Google Drive. The problem: These storage spaces are not very inviting in order to really use the knowledge. Different programs such as Word, PowerPoint or Excel are used to open the files. This immediately creates the next problem: Collaborative editing is not possible in most cases. So if several people want to work on the same file at the same time, that simply doesn't work. In modern wikis such as Phonemos, it is always possible to work with pages at the same time.

Only make mistakes once and learn from them

Mistakes are important. They must be made to grow and develop. And not just at the level of individuals, but as an entire organization. However, the same mistakes don't have to be made multiple times! Thanks to joint knowledge management, employees can access knowledge they have already acquired and do not have to make these mistakes again.

This applies not only to errors, but also to recurring challenges in general, which arise more often.

Reduce dependencies and work more independently

Instead of contacting a person who hoards the knowledge every time, the entire knowledge can be accessed completely anywhere and anytime. This not only reduces dependencies, but also enables employees to work independently. This is also an important basic component for making remote work possible!

Initiate cultural change within the organization

Sharing knowledge has a much bigger effect than you might think: It triggers a fundamental rethink within an organization. Wikis create transparency and promote cooperation. The challenge here is to motivate employees to share knowledge. For example, these tools must be integrated into the organization's environment in a well-coordinated manner and actually incorporated into the daily workflow.

So in summary, tools like Phonemos help

  • Make teamwork more efficient and move away from silo thinking
  • Prevent multiple errors and collect solutions centrally
  • Reduce dependencies, which empowers individual employees
  • to initiate a general cultural change within the organization

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